Baggy or puffy, droopy eyelids have become a cause of the absence of self-confidence in many people these days. The pronounced eye bags leave some people feeling unattractive. Stretching of the eyes can cause the muscles to weaken which leads to accumulation of fat in the eyelids. The eyelids then start to appear droopy or puffy.

Why do you need surgery?

There are some cosmetic and medical reasons for which anyone can opt for surgery:

  • Slackness of the eyelid.
  • Drooping of upper eyelid over the eye.
  • Puffy or droopy lower eyelid.
  • Loss of peripheral vision.
  • The Older appearance of the face.


This condition can be cured by a procedure called, eyelid surgery or Blepharoplasty. It is the removal of excess skin or fat from around the eyes surgically. In some cases, instead of removal, a crease can be added to the eyes for increasing its beauty.

The procedure for the treatment involves:

  • Incisions below the lash line.
  • Removal or addition of excess fat.
  • Stitching or Laser resurfacing of the skin to reduce the mark.

The treatment usually takes 1-3 hours to complete. All the required assessment of the eye is done to avoid complications. Pre-operative photographs are used to help the surgeon to bring out the best results. The surgery is initiated by injecting the patient with local or general anesthesia depending upon the treatment or the patient’s preference. The excess fat is removed, or some fat is added in the eyelid, and the skin is sutured. Postoperative care is done after the surgery along with the use of medications. The sutures are removed after a week.

Laser Blepharoplasty

Laser Blepharoplasty is done using a laser in substitute of a scalpel. This surgery can also be merged with laser eye rejuvenation. People prefer Laser surgery over the scalpel one, as it results in better appearance.

How do you prepare yourself?

Thousand Oaks Plastic Surgeon, Dr. James Watson, strongly recommends Blepharoplasty to many of his patients. He suggests that you prepare yourself with the following before proceeding with the surgery:

  • Medical History: Your surgeon will ask you to present your medical history before the surgery. Any record of hospitalization for any illness along with an allergy to whichever drug should be mentioned. You should also disclose any past surgeries or any current systemic diseases.
  • Examinations: The doctor will be taking your thorough physical and eye exam which you should be prepared for.
  • Precautions: You will be asked to avoid certain drugs like aspirin ibuprofen etc. It is suggested that the patient should stop smoking a few weeks before and after the surgery as it intervenes with the healing process.
Blepharoplasty - Overview, Complications and Results
Eyelid surgery


While undergoing any surgery, some possible risks come along. Blepharoplasty could involve these risks:

  • Bleeding: Excessive bleeding could be caused due to many reasons for example if the patient is hemophilic and the doctor was unaware of it.
  • Infection: Contamination of the operating field or unsterilized instruments can infect the site. Infection can also be caused if the postoperative instructions are not followed as guided.
  • Dry-eye syndrome:  In this syndrome, the eyes suffer from lack of lubrication and moisture which leads to a set of complications like inflammation and scarring of the surface of the eye.
  • Palpebral skin laxity: Laxity or loosening of the palpebral skin of the eye is one of the well-known complication that can occur after the surgery.
  • Abnormal eyelid position: After the surgery, while suturing if the measurements weren’t taken accurately, the eyelid could get positioned abnormally.
  • Scarring: In some cases, the surgery leaves behind an unpleasing scar. Though there are a few procedures that could remove the mark.
  • Double vision: Diplopia, also referred to as Double Vision, is a medical condition that can occur as a complication of the surgery. In this state, the patient sees two images of a single object.
  • Difficulty in closing the eyes.
  • Loss of eyesight: Though rare, but a potential complication of Blepharoplasty is the loss of vision.
  • Discoloration of the skin.
  • Eyeball prominence: One of the risks involved is the protruded appearance of the eyeball post surgery.

Cost and Results

The cost of the surgery varies by how complicated the procedure is. Eyelid surgery for upper and lower eyelid usually ranges between US$3000-US$5000.

Most people are satisfied with results of Blepharoplasty and recommend it highly. They experience a youthful look and are gifted with self-confidence. In some unfortunate cases, there may occur a few complications. Some also suffer from recurrence of the droopy eyelids.

