These are the devices used in orthodontics which have the capability of aligning and straightening the teeth, helping them to position themselves. They can improve a person’s bite and also aim to improve dental health.

Development of braces has seen many phases, and a large variety of pairs are available for people to choose.

Braces A Step Ahead Towards Aligned And Healthy Teeth

Amongst them ten common ones are listed here:

  1. Metal Braces: Metal braces are made up or stainless steel and maybe sometimes also have some proportion of titanium. These are the more often seen braces and mostly seen in the mouths of children and teenagers. These pairs contain a metal bracket along with rubber band ties that hold the wire onto the metal brackets.
  2. Self-ligating braces: Dental Implant Dallas Dentist, Dr. Cory Nguyen, says that these pairs differ from traditional ones as they do not have elastic ties but the wire goes through the bracket. With the use of this type of braces, there is a reduction in treatment type; also pain is reduced, and some adjustments required are even less than the traditional ones. These are also called Damon braces and are very popular among the orthodontists as they give a gentler treatment than the traditional ones and also require fewer dental visits. The reason for this is that the teeth can move on their own without needing to be adjusted. The pain caused is reduced as the friction and pressure on the teeth are less.
  3. Invisalign: Invisalign also called clear aligners are orthodontic devices that use incremental transparent aligners to adjust teeth. These are an alternative to dental braces. Invisalign uses clear plastic aligners, and thus no one could know that they are there. They, unlike the pairs, can be removed while eating, drinking and brushing. Clear elastic ties and white metal ties are used with these braces so that they are difficult to see. They may also be of a self-ligating type. These have higher friction with the teeth and are even more brittle than metal braces. Thus, sometimes removal of these at the end of the treatment becomes more difficult and also time taking. Highly recommended for ongoing use after the completion of the orthodontic treatment. They can help to maintain the necessary and accomplished results until the teeth have settled and stopped moving.
  4. Gold-plated stainless steel braces: These are in consideration of the patients allergic to nickel. Some also choose it because they prefer the look of gold over the old silver colored look.
  5. Lingual braces: These braces rebonded at the back of the teeth, making them different from the traditional braces. They are not visible from outside.
  6. Titanium braces: These are similar to stainless steel braces in their look but are just lighter and as strong as stainless steel ones. People who are allergic to stainless items may choose titanium braces. These are costlier than the traditional stainless steel ones.
  7. Multi-loop Edgewise Archwire: This is a therapy that uses wired loops in between teeth. These let to a more efficient vertical alignment of teeth and bite adjustments.
  8. Ceramic braces: These are of the same size as the traditional ones, the shape is also similar, except that they are made up of ceramic. It is white, and thus the braces blend with teeth color.
  9. Forsus appliances: Dentists recommend that a child should be screened by a dentist or orthodontist at the age of seven as childhood is the perfect time for treatment. Some children may have severe overbites and may require the use of force devices. It is a spring worn inside the cheeks that is attached to the braces for adjusting the upper or lower jaw into position.
  10. Palatal expanders: This device is in use as a replacement for tooth extraction in treating tooth overcrowding. This tool fits into the palate, applying pressure to the back of the upper molars moving the teeth part gradually. These expand the palate and thus lead away for the other braces to align the position of the teeth.

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Braces can be useful in correcting conditions like an underbite, malocclusion, overbite, open bite, deep bite, crossbite, crooked teeth and any other structural flaw in the teeth and the jaw. Braces mainly get divided into two categories- cosmetic and structural. They can be used along with other orthodontic appliances to widen the palate or jaws and also help in shaping the teeth and the jaws.

