What is tooth extraction?
Tooth Extraction is pulling out of the tooth, with the help of forceps from the alveolus or socket in the bone. This process is also known as exodontia or exodontics. It is a relatively standard procedure. We all know someone who has undergone tooth extraction due to pain or some other reason.

What are the common reasons for tooth extraction?
The reasons for tooth extraction are :
- Sometimes there is severe tooth decay accompanied by a sharp toothache which cannot be saved by dental fillings and root canal therapy. It is the most common reason for tooth extraction.
- Sometimes the tooth is so severely broken and damaged due to an injury that it cannot be restored through dental filling, dental crown or any other treatment. Under this circumstance, tooth extraction is the only resort.
- When the tooth becomes too loose, due to injury or periodontal disease, it has to be extracted. Even gum grafts cannot save such tooth.
- Sometimes the primary baby tooth does not fall in time and stops the coming of the permanent tooth; then the dentist has to extract the baby tooth.
- Some children develop an extra tooth which obstructs the way of other teeth, then this tooth needs to be extracted.
- Wisdom tooth is mostly extracted because it sometimes gets infected or cystic. It also gets impacted (stuck in the gum) and does not come out conveniently. They become painful and leads to swelling of the gums and face.
- Some people receive radiation in their head and neck due to some illness, and the tooth that comes in the field of radiation has to be removed.
- The teeth of the people under medications or being treated for cancer gets infected as the immunity of the teeth is lost. These teeth are extracted.
- When the mouth is overcrowded with teeth, then the doctor makes some extraction to improve the alignment of the teeth.
- People getting braces have to remove their tooth as a part of the treatment.
What are the different types of tooth extraction?
The two types of extraction are:
- Simple extraction: In this kind of removal a visible tooth is easily removed with the help of forceps and elevator. The tooth is removed from the gum by moving it in to and fro motions until the ligament supporting the tooth is broken and the bone holding the tooth widens, making it wobbly. Slow and steady pressure is applied to the tooth for extraction, and local anesthesia is given to numb the pain.
- Surgical extraction: In this kind of removal the tooth cannot be reached comfortably, as it is below the gum line or has broken. The dentist has to make an incision to remove the tissues on top of the tooth. Sometimes the jawbone tissue has to be removed by drilling it. This kind of extraction is complicated, and sometimes the patients are given general anesthesia.
How can a patient prepare for an extraction?
If the patient has a phobia related to dental treatments, he or she must tell the doctor. The doctor will they either prepare him by educating about the problem and procedure. If the patient is still not confident, then the doctor may use general anesthesia even in a simple extraction.
The patient must tell the doctor about all his medical problems and conditions that he has like diabetes, blood pressure. He must also give the doctor names of all the medicines taken by him, including vitamins and supplements.
How does the doctor plan for the extraction?
After examining the mouth, the doctor usually takes an x-ray to decide about the kind of extraction that has to be done, (simple or surgical). The doctor then collects the medical history of the patient. The doctor prescribes antibiotics to be taken before and after the surgery. The doctor advises not to smoke on the day of extraction as it may lead to complication of dry socket. It is recommended to wear relaxed and comfortable clothing on the day of tooth removal.
How should the patient care for themselves after the treatment?
Vero Beach Dentist, Dr. Alex Planes, suggests that the patient should bite the gauze provided by the doctor firmly to stop bleeding.They should apply an ice bag to the face to reduce the swelling. It is advised not to spit for six hours after extraction. After six hours of removal, the mouth can be rinsed with warm water. Patients should relax for a day or two to let them recover from the pain.
How severe is the pain of extraction?
It is natural to feel pain after the effects of anesthesia subside. A Little bleeding is also standard. But if substantial bleeding continues for more than four hours the doctor must be informed.
Tooth extraction is less painful and heals faster if performed by a skilled dentist.
- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dental_extraction
- http://www.mouthhealthy.org/en/az-topics/e/extractions
- http://planesdentalarts.com/education/vero-beach-tooth-extractions/