Cavities and tooth decay are two most common health disorders. Cavities are not related to age; They can affect anyone from children to adults, anyone whose teeth is susceptible to getting cavities. The tooth is the hardest part of our body, but it is still prone to bacterial attack. The cavity-causing bacteria demineralize the tooth enamel and create holes in them.

9 Things You Can Do To Save Yourself From Tooth Decay
Tooth Decay Problems

A few things that put you at more risk of tooth decay:

  • Patients who are suffering from diabetes
  • Smoking or being passive smokers
  • Eating sugary food items and food that are rich in carbohydrates
  • Lack of brushing teeth and flossing regularly
  • Not visiting the dentist for regularly
  • Not consuming enough water, leading to a dry mouth with not enough saliva.
  • Saliva washes away food and sugars that harm teeth, protecting and remineralizing a tooth’s enamel.

Here are few ways that you can efficiently use to prevent tooth decay:

1. Rinse Regularly

You should opt for rinsing your mouth regularly and make it a habit. You can use regular water or ask your dentist to recommend you with a mouthwash product which contains fluoride which can help fight cavities.

2. Get A Dental Sealant

It is recommended that all school going children start wearing sealants. They are helpful for adults too. Sealants are protective plastic coatings that help in sealing the grooves and crannies where the food commonly gets collected. They are mainly applied to the back teeth which are the chewing teeth and lasts up to 10 years before the need for replacement.

9 Things You Can Do To Save Yourself From Tooth Decay
Dental Sealants

3. Regular Dental Visits

You should regularly visit your dentist to maintain your oral health. Routine oral examination, whitening, cleaning and other treatments can help you with preventing dental cavities.

4. Limit Frequent Snacking And Sipping

Eating and drinking unhealthy food throughout the day can put your teeth at risk, especially food which contains sugar. The bacteria that stay in the mouth can feed on the sugar to produce an acid which can destroy the tooth enamels. It is advised to drink water regularly and not only when eating food. It is also suggested to constant consumption of snacks.

5. Stick To Tooth Healthy Foods

Diet not only helps in maintaining weight but also helps improve oral health. Food such as chips and cookies get stuck in the teeth for a long time which can promote tooth decay. Processed sugar items aren’t good for the teeth too. You should opt for fresh vegetables and fruits which will help increase saliva flow and remineralize the tooth enamel in the mouth.

9 Things You Can Do To Save Yourself From Tooth Decay
Maintain Dental Health With Healthy Foods

Related Article: Why Should You Avoid Sugary Foods And Drinks?

6. Consider An Antibacterial Treatment

Sometimes you could be facing issues where medical conditions might make your teeth vulnerable to tooth decay and cavities. You can visit your dentist to talk about the treatments to help you cut down harmful bacteria with the help of antibacterial mouth rinses.

7. Chew Sugar-free Gum

It is also advisable to chew sugar-free gum for around 15-20 minutes after having food or any sugary drinks as it helps in stimulating the saliva which washes away food particles that are stuck in between your teeth and prevents cavities.

8. Get Enough Fluoride

Fluoride helps in strengthening the tooth enamel as it is an active element which aids in preventing tooth decay, and is therefore considered extremely useful. One way that your child can get fluoride’s protection is by having plain tap water which contains the right amount of minerals. Nowadays you even get aqua guards that are integrated with minerals which contains fluoride. Consulting your dentist about the same is essential. Avoid drinking filtered or bottled water as they do not contain the required amount of fluorine.

9. Brushing Regularly With Fluoride Toothpaste

It is necessary to brush your teeth regularly with fluoride toothpaste after every meal at least twice a day. It is recommended that you use toothpaste which contains fluoride along with floss to clean the food particles that are present in between your teeth. At least rinse your mouth after every meal properly. You should also consult your dentist to keep your oral health in check.

Dr. Roman Fedorciw, a well known Berlin Dentist, says, “Talking to your dentist is one of the most crucial ways of determining your dental illness and maintaining your oral health.” Therefore, you must talk to your dental professional about your dental problems before they end up taking the shape of tooth decay.