Root canal refers to a procedure to fix a severely decayed tooth which has become infected. In this treatment, the tooth’s pulp and the nerve are removed, and the inside portion of the affected tooth is cleaned.
If your tooth is affected by decay and requires a root canal treatment which you are ignoring, it will lead to grave consequences. The areas surrounding the impacted tooth will become infected and might form abscesses. If such symptoms are seen then a root canal treatment is a must. A root canal is the soft pulp chamber in the center of the tooth which has nerve endings. Nerves do not play a vital role in the functioning of the tooth; rather it only helps to sense.

What Problem Does The Service Solve?
When the interior component of a tooth, known as the pulp, is damaged or decayed, then the root canal treatment is required. In this treatment of the portion of the tooth which is above the gums, stays intact, but the inside portion of the tooth is treated. The treatment helps in solving toothaches. The main goal for this kind of treatment is to remove the decayed portion inside the tooth.
Steps Involved In The Service Procedure
- A dental dam is nothing but a rubber sheet. It is placed in the mouth while the procedure takes place. The main reason for putting this rubber sheet is to prevent the saliva from entering the affected portion of the teeth while the operation is taking place.
- This treatment begins with the dentist accessing your nerve area of the decayed tooth. This process is commonly known as “access cavity”.
- Then the dentist drills a hole in your tooth till it reached the pulp chamber.
- After drilling the hole, this opening will serve as the entry point of the work.
- If any rear tooth is affected, then the dentist drills to reach the nerve area through the surface of the tooth.
- If any front tooth is affected, then the dentist drills to reach the nerve area through the backside of the affected tooth.
- After drilling or creating the access cavity, the dentist cleans all the decayed and loose portions of the tooth.
- After all the drilling is done, the rubber dam is placed and hen the real work begins.
- Dental anesthetic does not make your sensation go completely numb. Therefore, when the dentist is drilling, you will feel a mild sensation but its completely bearable.
- Your dentist should only treat the nerve portion of the affected tooth and not beyond that. If he goes beyond that, then it will be painful.
- To treat within the nerve portion of the tooth, your dentist should calculate the length of the root canal, Normally, it is calculated to the closest 0.5 MMS
- After the tooth’s root canal file is placed, the dentist takes an X-Ray to confirm if the position of the file is correct or not.
- After the X-Ray and calculations of the readings, the next step involves shaping and cleaning the interior part of the teeth.
- The cleaning process helps to remove nerve tissues as well as all the toxins, bacteria and other unwanted substances in the tooth.
- Shaping involves the enlargement of the canal, as it will provide the perfect shape for filling and sealing of the damaged tooth.
The benefits of Root Canal Treatment are as follows:
- This treatment stops a toothache from which a person gets disturbed.
- Instead of losing teeth you get it restored.
Perfect Smile
Some of its drawbacks include:
- The tooth will no longer be vital; it will be brittle.
- Root canal treatment is expensive.
Risk Involved
- Some of the risks of this treatment are:
- It is done to save your tooth but sometimes the damage is so, or the enamel is t frail to withstand the procedure which may lead to tooth loss.
- If the infected material is left behind or if the antibiotic is not effective, the other risk may lead to developing an abscess at the root of the tooth.
Dr. Shadi Heidarian, a Palo Alto Dentist, suggests everyone to get rid of their problems of a severe cavity by getting a root canal treatment which is not having any severe side effect and disadvantages.