Dr. Dokhanchi is the main Aurora Dentist of the Fox Valley Dental Care that we know today to whom this dental office belongs. But the historical foundation of this dental clinic laid back almost half a century before that is in 1970, belonged to two other profound professionals in the field of dentistry. Dr. Logman and Dr.Weber chose this location for this Aurora dental set up at that time. After a few years, they switched their location of practice to the Farnsworth Avenue. You might be wondering that then how the West Indian Trail is still the current location of this dental clinic. Actually, Dr.Logman left the Farnsworth location and returned back to the previous place to continue his practice.
Soon he succeeded to gain ample associates and Dr. Dokhanchi joined him in 1993. It is appreciable that he is still working here, but now as the head person, which happened after Dr.Logman retired in 2002. The team at Fox Valley Aurora dentistry recommends its visitors to call them for direct communication with Dr.Dokhanchi rather than emailing your treatment concerns to them as they won’t be able to properly answer your queries via emails.
Dental care is not commonly a much looked forward area of our concerns. If we go for dental consultation and procedures, we expect optimum treatment outcome along with ultimate comfort and relaxation. This Aurora dentistry care unit has a section, where the patient can fill the appointment form for getting his appointment scheduled. This way they enable us to save our time and efforts of waiting in the dental office to get the appointment booked. In your form, you are also given space where you are expected to mention your accurate dental history. This can surely be an effective aid in providing you the best of treatment.

Some remarkable possessions of the Fox Valley Dental office of the Aurora Dentist
- They make sure that all of their reusable instruments undergo the heat sterilization techniques implemented in their office. They use Midmark M9 sterilizer, Tuttnauer and SciCanStatim 2000 sterilizers for this purpose. They have their sterilizing machines strictly checked after every seven days by a very well-known monitoring organization, the NORTH BAY/BIOSCIENCE.
- They use the digital radiograph technology for quick diagnostic X-rays of the mouth that involve even less harmful rays than the routine X-rays.
- They have handy cameras for a complete view of the intra-oral cavity of the patient. With the help of these cameras, they help you deliver a better understanding of your disease condition.
- They regularly get their dental water lines disinfected. This is highly crucial for a high disease-free environment as the dental procedures involve a lot of water usage.
- Moreover, none of their documentation work is maintained on registers, they have every single bit of information reserved for computers, therefore, they don’t need to flip pages for your past records.
- Satellite TV is installed in the waiting and your treatment room for you to ease up in your chair and have some entertainment instead of over thinking about your procedure.
Reference Link: http://foxvalleydental.com