Gingivitis: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, And Treatment

Gingivitis – An Overview Gingivitis is an inflammation of gingiva or the gums, which is usually caused by poor dental hygiene. Other factors like viral and bacterial infections, hormonal changes and diseases such as cancer and diabetes may be responsible. Signs of the initial stages are swollen gums that are painful to touch. Often, gingivitis is not a serious malady and resolves by itself. In some cases, the patients are …

Root Canal Treatment – Why Should You Opt For This Treatment?

Introduction Root canal refers to a procedure to fix a severely decayed tooth which has become infected. In this treatment, the tooth’s pulp and the nerve are removed, and the inside portion of the affected tooth is cleaned. If your tooth is affected by decay and requires a root canal treatment which you are ignoring, it will lead to grave consequences. The areas surrounding the impacted tooth will become infected …

Pediatric Dentistry – Problems Solved, Advantages, And Risks.

Introduction Unlike other parts of the body, teeth don’t grow in a human at the time of their birth itself. Those tiny yet robust things grow on later and prove to be as capable and as equivalent concerning utility as our sensory organs. Those 32 teeth are the best ornament for a human being. Stretching your lips and showing with those 32 gems showing themselves off increases your elegance by …

Periodontitis The Tooth Fairy’s Worst Nightmare

Remember how our parents used to coax us into brushing our teeth daily, as kids? They threatened us with our teeth rotting and falling off. We dismissed it to be a story when we grew up, but, guess what? It is true! Well, at least partially correct. Poor oral hygiene can lead to Periodontitis. What Is It? Periodontitis is the inflammation of the gum tissues due to bacterial infection. If …

Pyorrhoea (Periodontitis) Advanced Stage Of Periodontal Disease

There are various common dental issues. It is not something that a person will always experience the same trouble or the same problems. Since the conditions are different, so are the diseases. Different people experience different dental emergencies based on the conditions and environment they provide to their teeth. What Is Pyorrhoea? Periodontitis, most commonly known as Pyorrhoea, is a severe gum infection that damages gums and can destroy the …

Bad Breath, What Are Its Causes, Treatments, And Prevention?

What Is Bad Breath? Bad breath is also known as halitosis where the mouth is affected by bacteria causing taste issues and foul smell in the mouth. Poor oral hygiene typically causes the problem, bad eating habits such as chewing tobacco; drinking alcohol, smoking, etc. result in bad breath. It is also said that the foul odor of the mouth can be genetically acquired. Following are the various reasons given …

Teeth Whitening Useful Facts And Expert Recommendations

What Is Teeth Whitening? Teeth whitening is a process where the teeth are given effective treatment in lightening the natural enamel without causing harm to any tooth surface. Teeth whitening does not provide natural color as before but tends to lighten the existing shade. The teeth whitening process is given to those who are deprived of their natural enamel and are affected by ‘tartar’ as a universal aspect, while some …

The Dangerous Impact Of Bad Oral Hygiene On Our Overall Health

A perfect, beautiful smile is the key to winning the hearts. It can create a great impression on people and set the bar high while you communicate with them. But for that perfect smile, you need to check up on your dental health. If your teeth do not look presentable when you smile and talk; if they are not in the right shape, or are discolored, broken, emit poor breath …

11 Essential Facts About Dental Braces That You Must Know

When we are born the first set of teeth we obtain is our milk teeth. Slowly, they start showing, and between the transition years of 6-12 years, a lot of changes occur. Your milk teeth slowly begin falling and are replaced by the permanent set comprising of premolars, molars, incisors, canines and then finally your wisdom teeth. But sometimes it might get disrupted due to some external factors like the structure …

Oral Cancer Causes Symptoms Prevention And Treatments

Mouth cancer or oral cancer may occur anywhere in the mouth including on the surface of the tongue, the inside of the cheeks, lips, gums, the roof of the mouth, in the tonsils, salivary glands. It commonly occurs after the age of forty with a risk, which is twice higher in men than the women. Oral cancer develops mostly in the tissue of the throat or mouth. It belongs to …

Relationship Between Our Dental Health And The Food We Eat

What is the relationship between our diet and dental health? Many parents often worry that their children eat junk food which may hurt their digestive system and health. Young people fear that the sugary drinks and coffee they drink can lead to obesity and pimples. But people fail to realize that whatever we eat has a significant impact on our dental health. Anything that we eat or drink first comes …

Gum Diseases Causes and Prevention

Gum disease (Periodontal disease) is an infection of the supporting tissues that surround your teeth. It is the most frequently reported cause of tooth loss in adults. Gum disease is usually painless. As a result, a lot of people who have gum disease don’t even know they have it! Causes Gum disease is caused by the buildup of plaque, a sticky colorless film that constantly coats our teeth. Plaque that …

Why are Mini Dental Implants a better option

Dental Implants are the best of all available options for teeth restorations and also the most popular restorative option. Sadly they are not a viable option for everyone seeking dental restorations. Some of the reasons due to which they aren’t the ideal option for everyone are listed below: Expensive Invasive surgical procedure Procedure is spread over several months and appointments Requires extended healing period Traditional dental implants require the patient …

Tooth Sensitivity A guide for Patients

Have you experienced tooth pain while eating ice cream or drinking hot coffee? Does eating sweets lead to toothaches? If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above, chances are high you’re suffering from Sensitive teeth. In teeth that are healthy, the crown is protected by a layer of enamel. Under the gums, there is a layer known as Cementum that protects the root of the tooth. Underlying both the …

Dental Cleaning and Consultation for Excellent Dental Health

Most people believe that brushing twice a day, flossing once a day and a mouth rinse with an antimicrobial mouthwash is enough to maintain good dental health. Although it is a good starting point, it is nowhere close to enough. In order to truly keep your mouth clean and free from diseases, you should visit a Dentist for Dental Cleaning at least twice a year. Regular dental cleaning and consultation …

Best Dentist in Aurora

Do not worry about treatment expenses, the Aurora Dentist will enable you to accommodate your procedure cost within your budget The Aurora Dentist truly acknowledges the fact that yearly thousands of people around the globe are deprived of the needed dental care due to the hefty costs of the oral treatment procedures. The question that arises is what leads to the need of expensive advanced procedures, this again is related …